每次看了宫崎骏的动画,心里是如此百感交集。说不上开心,也称不上悲伤。怎么说呢,就…… 感动吧。他的每一个动画都能给人们启发,让人们省思。无论是人与人之间的友情、亲情、爱情,还是大自然与我们之间密切的关系,宫崎骏的动画都能非常贴切地呈现,非常真实地带出所要表达的信息。就像我刚看完的“萤火虫之墓”,它没有迪斯尼动画般的华丽,却有着其他动画都比不上的真实和感动,同时也让我反省,平日我的态度。
我心中永远的传奇 --- 宫崎骏
一拳打扁 炎志翔 at 00:11 0 comments
Labels: miscellaneous
What should I do
It has been a VERY long time since the last time I wrote something here...
Almost forget that I have a blog.. = ="'
My life lately is just a MESS..
I feel that I'm getting weaker and weaker..
I'm not able to do anything..
Include things that I have to do..
And things that I wish to do..
Am I fated to be a loser?
一拳打扁 炎志翔 at 19:23 1 comments
Labels: emo
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